So what's been going on in creativeland, writerland and blogland the past two weeks?
- Spring break to the North Welsh coast blew away the cobwebs and blew in creativity and inspiration in abundance
- A new car has got me excited too, especially now my Little Girl has named it Ellie
- A poorly dog (my dear old boy) is in hospital, which has distracted me the past 48 hours
- I have actually ventured in to YA writing and started a short novel. The concept is consuming me, but I need to do some research to sharpen up the plot
- I have also dusted off two children's picture books that I had put to one side. Time to wave my illustrative magic wand and bring them back to life
- Baby Business Blog saw the power of the Baby Whisperer . Take a look (quietly) >
- I discovered the amazing works of Ernst Haeckel. Art forms in nature >
- I took a look at the world through animal eyes. Monkey mind >
- It was World Book Night (did you get involved?), so I wrote a piece of flash fictions. I started with an A >
- I did a doodle today and everyday. From crabs to sea squirts >
- Ickle Monday x2 covered ickle welsh dragons and ickle writing/drawing tools.
- #Colour_Collective covered Alizarin Crimson (radishes) and Lilac (water lily studies)
My favourite doodles of last week and the week before:

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